2022-11-22 - Aminal health

Multimodal management, including immunotherapy, form multicentric squamous cell carcinoma

In the context of the need for rapid management of multicentric squamous cell carcinoma, which is uncommon in horses, the autologous immunostimulant treatment APAVAC takes its place among the therapeutic modalities for a difficult-to-treat condition.

Multimodal management, including immunotherapy, for multicentric squamous cell carcinoma

Clinical case

Treatment modalities for a rare condition

A 26 year old gelding of unknown origin presented for consultation because of the recurrence of a mass on the palmar surface of the left foreleg, that has been removed two years previously. During the clinical examination, numerous other masses were observed, of varied appearance, in different locations. A diagnosis of multicentric squamous cell carcinoma was made after ancillary examinations. The main mass on the left anterior pastern and the one on the left shoulder were surgically removed. A systematic immunotherapeutic treatment, by subcutaneous injection according to the APAVAC® protocol, was instituted for five months, accompanied by a local application of Imiquimod for a fortnight onto the foreleg surgical site. One month after the operation, a regrowth of the left anterior mass was resected with the CO2 laser. The area of the mass on the left foreleg pastern was elevated six months after the operation. All other masses appeared stable.

Masse cutanée dans le tiers ventral de la scapula gauche

Masse superficielle de la face latérale du boulet antérieur gauche

Diverses masses muqueuses disposées le long du côté gauche du corps du pénis

Aspect anormal de la cicatrisation cutanée en regard de la plaie d'exérèse